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Magic world of ultras described in our ultras alphabet.
Avanti Ultras - famous Italian slogan used by ultras all over the world. On English: "Forward Ultras!"
Ban - to get a ban from watching your favorite team, nightmare for every ultras.
Choreographies - we know how to make it spectacular!
Drums - they make our songs sound much better.
Enthusiasts - we do this for free, because we love it and it's our way of life.
Football - the most important thing in the World!
Goal - most beautiful moment on a match.
Hope - something we never lose.
Internet - admit, thanks to Internet ultras movement raised so much in last 5-10 years
Justice - for our brothers who are victims of the governments.
Kop - part of the stadium where ultras stand.
Liberta per gli ultras - Freedom for all ultras.
Mentality - the way of life!
No profit - against modern football.
Originality - in choreos, songs... all ultras tend to be original, no matter how hard it is today.
Pyroshow - for us it's the best show that we can imagine.
Quality - very important thing for ultras-groups.
Repression - A.C.A.B.
Stadium - our second home.
Torch - for ultra fans it's not only fire toy, it's also symbol of our mentality.
Ultras - no need to explain this one :)
Violence - yes, we know to riot sometimes, it's part of the game.
Win - on the pitch, on the terraces, on the streets... it very important to win!
XXX - sex, beer and football :)
Young guys - new generations keeps ultras spirit living.
Zero tolerance - our parents, girls, police, school teachers, bosses... they all often have zero tolerance to our way of life... but who cares!