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Great support from both sides!
Austria (ÖFB Cup 1/8 finals)
After many years ultras of Rapid and Austria Salzburg met again. Around 2500 fans traveled from Salzburg to Wien (300km) for this big match. Ultras of both clubs had great support with much pyro. Rapid won 5:1.
P.s. Austria Salzburg is back in professional football league, but they now struggle with big financial problems. To help the club fans created #SAVEAS to collect money for the club. Ultras-Tifo encourage ultras all over the world to donate some money to this club as they have struggled their way back after modern football (Red Bull) tried to kill the passion for violet-white fans from Salzburg.
Rapid Wien
"Finally you cunts are back! In Salzburg only the Austria!"
Austria Salzburg
Photos: UiSF.de , Los Misenas Groundhopping