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Photo report: Widzew Lodz - Legia Warszawa (Poland).
Match between Widzew and Legia is one of the biggest classics in Polish league. There is always hot atmosphere, hatred is just in the air. Same was at last match in Lódz. Fans from Warsaw got only 800 tickets for this match but to Lodz by special train arrived about 1000 Legia fanatics.
First riots had place near entrance to guest sector when security didn't want to let in all fans from Warsaw. Security and police used gas and truncheons, and supporters answered by throwing flares and firecrackers.
At the beginning Widzew showed tifo with heaven, hell and huge symbol of Widzew. After goal for Legia some fireworks were throwing from guest sector to Widzew's terraces. All match fans screamed a lot of insults and used a lot of flares and smokes. When Widzew hanged stolen flag of Legia in their sector, fans from Warsaw tried to get on the pitch. Again a lot of pyro was thrown in guarders who were bitten so hard by Legia fans. Match was stopped for few minutes because of smoke. Troops of police came again to sector of Legia and finished riots. Nobody got arrested, few fans had to visit hospital, Legia won 0:1.
More photos from Poland October 2010 here!