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Ultras Ahlawy are back!
CAF Champions league: Al Ahly (Egpyt) - Tusker (Kenya) 07.04.2013
After more than 1 year of absence Ultras Ahlawy are back. They were absent since big tragedy in Port Said when more than 70 of their fans died in riots on match with Al Masry. This was their first home match after incident (before that they were only on first leg in Kenya against Tusker).
They were not allowed to play this match in Cairo for security reasons, so they had to play 200km away, near city Alexandria in an army stadium.
1st tifo was a 3D display at the entrance of players. The message displayed with two banners, one was "never forget", the second banner "never forgive", both in Arabic.
On the lft is picture of Marchall Tantawi, the former head of the army and the head of the supreme council of armed forces (SCAF) that ruled the country after revolution and until the elections. His forces were the ones that shot our member Karika in December 2011 which triggered our angry reactions against the army (chants and tifos) in the games on 5th January and 28th January.
Painting of Ultra with hoodie and "no SCAF" banner in the stadium (floodlights behind) with the Marchall pointing towards the banner.
On the right side is picture of three dogs, one for the cops, one for the Masry fans (in green) and one for the army. The 3 elements that we believe conspired against us for what happened in Portsaid.
2nd tifo were displayed at kick off and made of painted stripes.
The message were displayed with two banners, "a history full of patriotism and struggle", "written by legends and continued with 74 martyrs".
Painting on tripes, from left to the right, is picture of some of the Ahly legendary figures that had a role in the struggle of Egypt against the British occupation, as well as two great legendary football figures, former players and president. Also the monuments that surround the Ahly HQ in Cairo, an area full of historical monuments like the Cairo Tower which overlooks our training ground. The Cairo Opera House which has the club's nearest metro station. The legendary lion on the entrance of the Kasr el Nilde bridge that connects Ahly HQ to the legendary Tahrir square. The Saad Zaghlou statute (former Ahly president and legendary figure of the resistance against the British.
At the bottom is painting of the 74 martyrs.
The result:
3rd tifo were displayed at the 8th minute. A double faced choreo, the first one say "Home of the struggle".
When fans turned their cards around in the 11th minute, it said "Glory to the martyrs".
Many banners was also showed during the match. They are containing names of certain groups (like rivals UWK, Yellow Dragons, Green Magic and other teams like Zapatista, Vlack Amry, Sempre Paloma. Also European teams like Zvezda, Bayern Munchen and many more!) with a message in Arabic saying "Thank you for all who supported us during our struggle".
Supporters of Al Ahly received lot of support during this difficult period and they are very thankful for this support!
They also had a fantastic pyro show during this match!
Video of pyro show:
Video of Choreo's: