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Everything from first round of group stages.
Everything from first round of group stages.
We will try to update this article every day with last news. What we write here is what our members post in our euro 2012 topic (if we publish false or wrong information then please let us know!)
Wednesday 06.06.2012:
Many Wisla Krakow supporters went to Netherlands training Wednesday to protest against Euro:
Same in Gdynia:
Thursday 07.06.2012:
Widzew supporters interrupted a press-conference with Polish prime minister.
Also first day with fights. It's reported supporters of LKS attacked some fans.
Friday 08.06.2012 (First matches!):
- Russians vs Polish supporters in Krakow. Many other smaller incidents reported in different cities.
- Around 50 hools form Lodz attacked English speaking fans.
Source: www.mirror.co.uk
- Opening match, Poland vs Greece:
From fan-zone:
- Another fan zone. Polish fans beat security.
- Russian fans vs security and local supporters in Wroclaw. 4 arrested.
- Russia vs Czech Republic:
Security tried to take Russian supporters who used pyro:
- Lads of Slask & Miedz Legnica with stolen Russian flag.
- Russians vs Ukrainians in Lviv city:
Saturday 09.06.2012:
- Germany vs Portugal
- Lechia (Poland) with stolen flag from Germans:
- Netherlands vs Denmark (Picture not from this year, but still funny).
- Croatians vs Polish fans in Poznan. 14 arrests.
Sunday 10.06.2012:
- Ireland and Croatia in town before match.
Croatians started to fight with cops when they tried to arrest one lad from Torcida. Lads who saved him are from Bad Blue Boys!
- Ireland vs Croatia:
- Spain vs Italy:
- Fight: Russia (Torpedo Moscow ) vs Ukraine (Dynamo Kiev) 20 vs 20.
Monday 11.06.2012
- English fans in Donetsk before match against France.
- Ukraine vs Sweden.
Swedish supporters walking to the match:
Second round of group stages in this article.
Help us with latest news from Euro 2012. Leave a post in this topic if you have something.