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Indonesia: At least 127 dead at football match
At least 127 fans died in a crush at an Indonesian football match that has become one of the world's worst stadium disasters. Some info says even 187 dead, but its not confirmed.
Hundreds were also hurt in aftermath of home team Arema FC's loss to bitter rivals at the overcrowded stadium late on Saturday in Malang, East Java.
The crush took place after police tear-gassed fans who invaded the pitch.
As panic spread, thousands surged towards Kanjuruhan stadium's exits, where many suffocated.
One eyewitness told the BBC that police had fired numerous tear gas rounds "continuously and fast" after the situation with fans became "tense".
Muhamad Dipo Maulana, 21, who was at the match, told BBC Indonesian that after the game had ended a few Arema fans went on the pitch to remonstrate with the home team players but were immediately intercepted by police and "beaten".
More spectators then took to the pitch in protest, the supporter said, adding that the situation became "tense".
"Police with dogs, shields, and soldiers came forward," Mr Dipo told the BBC.
He said he had heard more than 20 tear gas shots towards spectators at the stadium.
"There was a lot, like bang, bang, bang! The sound was continuous and fast. The sound was really loud and directed to all the stands," he added.
Mr Dipo said he saw people in disarray, panicking and suffocating while trying to get out of the stadium. There were many children and old people who were affected by the tear gas, the eyewitness added.
Photos and videos from the match can be found here.