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Contet is over, check who are the winners.
Our contest for sticker design is now over. First place won Karlo with his "Against modern football" design (total 277 likes in time of writing this) and second place goes to Dino and his "Ultras the way of life" design (total 225 likes). We will contact you via email with details.
Congratulations! And also thanks to all guys who sent us their designs, in future we will use some of them to print as our stickers!
You can watch them all here.
25.01.2011. Voting started!
In last 10 days we received total 89 designs for our stickers, most of them very good! And now is time for you to choose best one.
Go to our Facebook fan page and in gallery "Design Contest Voting" like the designs you like the most. System is 1 like=1 vote. Author of the design that collects most "likes" will get this ultras hoodie, and second place will get this T-shirt.
Voting on Facebook will be active for 5 days. We will publish winners names here on Sunday 30th January.
Good luck to all :) Avanti Ultras!