Want to buy pyrotechnics? Visit pyro.ultras-tifo.net
T.I.F.O., the first international organization at the service of the supporters, cut their shipment costs!
T.I.F.O., the first international organization at the service of the supporters, cut their shipment costs! Read their message below.
The enormous and immediate success achieved by our latest articles has significantly improved our purchasing power and we have consequently managed to obtained better conditions from couriers.
This concerns shipments of articles in the "FIRE AND BRIMSTONE" page that are not accepted by the GLS courier but are handled by the ITK-ZARDINI courier.
May we remind you that articles are included in the hazardous goods category: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Agreement_concerning_the_International_Carriage_of_Dangerous_Goods_by_Road
Inasmuch, only an authorised and certified courier such as ours can deliver this type of article without problems.
Do not trust those who use a normal courier! While costs are much lower, the contents are not declared!
If the package should open or if it is chosen for a sample control, the goods would be impounded and you would risk losing both the goods and your money!
Take a look now at the new table published in our homepage under CONDITIONS OF SALE and always remember that the bigger the order, the bigger the savings... Thank you!!!
www.tifo.it - We support your support!