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Today we celebrate 6 years!
Ultras-tifo celebrate 6 years!

December 24th 2010 Ultras-Tifo turn 6 years old. 6 years with photos, movies and news from ultras and supporters from all over the world.
We started with only a forum during the first years, main goal was to let users share news from the ultras world. Show their "work" and see what supporters from other countries do.
Activity raised every year. We created this website at 24th December 2007 to give you as user a better overview over the most interesting happenings. On this website we try to show the best photos, give you the most interesting news and sometimes the most impressive stuff done by supporters in Europe and rest of the world.
Traffic on forum and website is still getting better for every month. We are very happy with both forum and website at the moment, but we also see potential to get even better. Our moderators and our active users on forum do most of the time a very good job for us, without them we would never been able to run ultras-tifo.
If you are not moderator, you can still help us with forum and website. Give us tips about interesting happenings, write us match reports, news and general articles. Easiest way to contact us is by pm on forum, to "Brann" or "Semper Fidelis". But you can also contact us via email and our new Facebook profile.
Our objectives for next year are:
- Keep working with our forum. Much can be done here to make it better for you. Better overview, more quality talks.
- Website. Better articles, latest news and more visits. We are currently on average 5000 unique visits every day!
- Facebook fan page. To get 50 000 "likers". Currently we are close to 15 000.
Also we can promise you competitions every month. Lots of ultras materials (clothes, stickers..) totally free just for our fans. Don't forget our big holiday competition 28th December on Facebook. More details here.
Ultras-Tifo wants to thank you for visiting our web site and forum, we'll do our best to keep you updated with news from the ultras world. If you like our site and you are Facebook user just click "like" under this article. Thanks and happy holidays!