Want to buy pyrotechnics? Visit pyro.ultras-tifo.net
Contest is finished. Check winners.
June 4th: Contest is finished!
1. Pyro package goes to Poland
2. Hoodie goes to Cyprus
3. T-shirt goes to Hungary
Congratulations lads!
We had very hard job to choose 3 winners. Many good photos came, but also many similar... We know some people think these are not best photos, but we must choose 3 to give prizes.
In next days we'll make gallery on web site with best photos received. All others can be see on our Facebook fan page in special album.
May 8th: Finally time for a new Ultras-Tifo contest! This time we prepared three valuable prizes.
What you need to do?
Make some cool photo with "Ultras-Tifo" sign on it and send us on email. So you can take photo with pyro, stickers, your friends, your girl, at stadium, group photo, graffiti... whatever just it's important that you write somehow on photo "ULTRAS-TIFO".
But "ULTRAS-TIFO" can't be written later on computer, you must write it live and then take photo. You can use what ever to write on (paper, walls, flags or even your own skin). Most important is to be CREATIVE! Best photos will win prizes.
If you send photo with ur face we can blur it!
1. Take your photo (include on photo somehow sign "ULTRAS-TIFO")
2. Send photo (max 3) with your name (or nickname) and country to email admin[at]ultras-tifo.net or in inbox on our Facebook fan page
3. Contest is ending on 31st May. Then we gonna choose 3 best photos and give them prizes (admins choose)
Meanwhile we will publish some photos we receive on our Facebook fan page in special album.
1. Pyro package
5 red flares, 5 white smoke bombs, 20 fp3 petards, 10 packs of ex1 petards and 15 strobo torches! Thanks to: Ultras-Piro
2. Ninja hoodie
Great quality black ninja hoodie with zipper! Thanks to: PG Wear Ultras Shop
3. Ultras T-shirt
Original ultras t-shirt! Thanks to: Black-Brain Shop
Big thanks to our sponsors! Make sure to visit them and check all their good stuff ;)