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Grasshoppers fans Fight for new Hardturm Stadium.
In 2007 Grasshoppers had to move out of their old stadium Hardturm were they've played since 1927. The city told to build a modern Arena after Zurich`s citizens voted and sayed yes to a new football stadium in 2003.
Since then Grasshopper Club Zürich has to play in Euro-Stadium Letzigrund which is a very bad situation for the Club and his supporters. Stadium is way too big (30000, we've got only around 6500 spectators per game) and its mainly made for athletic meetings and Concerts. Its in the totally wrong area of the city and home of biggest enemy FC Zürich. Rent and security costs for the club are way too high and on many "home"games the club pays more than he earns. This makes the already bad financial situation of the club even worse.
After Euro2008 Zurichs politicians didn't cared about football and stadium problematic anymore and now even the plans to build the new one are suspended. When GCZ moved out of Hardturm they imagined that they can return soon to their home ground. Now its not even sure if they will be ever back there.
Grasshopper fans used different form of protest to inform the public and to build up pressure on the politicians.
Mainly Ultras organized the protests which were all peaceful. This was very important! Media, Police and Politicians are just waiting for riots to legitimate their actions. Grasshoppers are needing public support in Zurich in this particular case, also of the people who are not interested in football.
Flashmob - 20 minutes of Football on a well frequented place in the City
Start of Petition "Zurich for Football - Football for Zurich" which postulates the City of Zurich to build a football stadium immediately on hardturm area and to reduce the rent for stadium Letzigrund until Hardturm is built.
In two weeks over 33000 people signed the petition which was a great success.
Fans organized everything but also club/players supported them.
Banners were installed all over the city:
Ultras break in the wasteland were they beloved stadium used to stay, squatted the area for some hours and held a football match. Some people painted lines for a football field the night before.
So far, the city government only reduced the stadium rent for one year. Nobody knows when a stadium will be built because politicians block the money for planing it.
Pretty sure, more actions by GCZ fans will follow.
Check Grasshoppers ultras gallery here (177 pics!).