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Ukrainian ultras decided to stop war between each other.
Ukrainian society is currently in very unfavorable situation. Ultras of some teams have already started having problems in their cities with police and government because of their support of protests in Ukraine.
Given the above, Ukrainian ultras decided to stop war between each other.
This arrangement includes:
- no fights in the city, no fights without preliminary agreement
- banners and scarves stealing is prohibited;
- offensive banners and songs against each other are not allowed;
- burning opponents scarves is prohibited;
- no graffiti wars between rivals;
- tight control in order to avoid any conflicts with regular fans (not ultras)
These agreement was adopted by ultras of all 15 Premier League teams and 23 teams of lower leagues. Nowadays police and government is the only enemy of everyone in Ukraine, so ultras believe that any confrontation continue in fan-environment at the moment is a crime against the bright future of Ukraine.
Just to remind you, currently there's also truce between ultras groups in Croatia (because of vouchers system for away matches and war against football mafia).
Source: http://ultras.org.ua/
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