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Bulgaria: Ultras Levski kicked new coach out from press conference.
Bulgaria: Ultras Levski kicked new coach out from press conference.
Strange situation occurred on press conference in Sofia today. Levski invited to press conference to announce their new coach, but Ultras of Levski showed up and kicked the new coach out of the press conference.
It started when Levski fired Serbian coach Slavisa Jokanvic. Fans of Levski were behind him and liked him.
After that they decided to hiring Ivaylo Petev as new coach. The problem is that when Ivaylo was coach for Ludogorets he once said he was a fan of Levski's main rival CSKA Sofia since he were kid.
At the press conference Ultras Levski told Ivaylo to take off his Levski clothes, when he refused to do it fans did it for him.