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As protest against ticket prices, Dortmund supporters boycott the derby against Schalke 04.
(Picture from Schalke 04 - Dortmund season 2002/2003)
19th September the derby Schalke 04 vs Borussia Dortmund kick off once again, but this time without away supporters!
Information from www.schwatzgelb.de
Ticket prices have dramatically increased for the Derby. Standing comes in at 22€, and seats are on sale for an average price of 55€. We believe that this is an attempt to establish higher ticket prices altogether, we have decided to fight this. It is not an action taken against Gelsenkirchen (where the fans are also touched by those problems) but against a long term development, which is gonna harm football at large. We understand the Derby boycott only as a beginning to more actions to follow under the label "Kein Zwanni für nen Steher" (Twenty-Euro for standing – no way!). Our long-term objective is a fair pricing system in every stadium in Germany.
What can I do to be part of it?
Tickets already bought can be handed back. Borussia is consent to take back tickets straightforward. Money will be reimbursed. We will inform you about the best way to handle soon. We are also planning to jointly see the Derby in Dortmund.
What will our abstinence change?
Everyone taking part in the boycott takes a stand against the trend of prices. The bigger the group, the stronger the impact. We appeal to everyone of you to consider if you want to be part of this development or if you want to stop it. The more fans will take part, the higher prospect of success
But doesn't it harm the team?
Of course it is not easy to not support the team in a Derby. But we want to have colorful and noisy terraces in the future and succeeding generations that can experience the fascination of football and Borussia – inside the stadium. To fight for this, we have to take this step now. The team will be informed about the boycott and its wherefores.
Within the next days we will get back to you, to outline the backgrounds of our boycott
Be part of it – point out the problematic nature to your friends and waive the Derby on September 19th
Together we can move forward as an example and point the way against the forcing up of prices in Germany! Stop the rip-off!
Ultras-tifo wish Dortmund supporters good luck!
"Football for you and me, not for fucking industry!"